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Flower Arrangement 4

Little Starseed: Mother-Father-Children

Little Starseed: Mother-Father-Children is the ideal Akashic Records reading for any type of family union, regardless of the family's structure or order.


The family can choose between the Remembering Your Little Starseed or Harmonize with Your Little Starseed readings. Additionally, a relationship reading between family members can be included (for an additional cost).


In this reading, each additional family member who chooses any of the above-mentioned Akashic Records readings will receive a 10% to 15% discount on the cost of their reading.


For more information, feel free to get in touch.


Sharing a bit about my experience...

In 2012, after receiving my Akashic Records reading (a reading similar to Harmonize with Your Little Starseed), I quickly wanted to involve my partner and our son. And so we did...


"We're from different origins! How amazing!"


Not only are we from different origins (my partner and our firstborn share the same galactic group), but on a soul level, we share both similarities and differences. Understanding this at a soul level is far more complex than understanding it at a physical level.


"For there to be more harmony and union, we need to start seeing each other soul to soul. Heart to heart!"


The process of soul reconnection—both individually and as a family—has not been easy so far, as unveiling the layers of the Ego requires constant effort, practice, detachment, action (along with trust, tolerance, acceptance, harmony, alignment, faith, and love). However, it has been worth every bit of it.

"We're on the right path!"


Just as I have done with my family (my partner and our three children), I long to help other families on their journey of soul reconnection through my service as an Akashic Records reader.


To all the families reading this, I am at your service! 💫

  • The payment for the Little Starseed: Mother-Father-Children reading must be made in order to schedule the reading or consultation.


  • Accepted payment methods are: cash, PayPal, Zelle, or ATH Móvil.


  • To make the payment, schedule your consultation, or request more information, feel free to get in touch.

Flower Arrangement 1

"All the effort our soul makes is to become God.
This effort is as natural to man as flying is to birds."


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