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Discover more about Semillita Estelar

(Little Starseed)



☆ Why Semillita Estelar (literal English translation - Little Starseed)?

I’m deeply passionate about the idea that, since ancient times, spiritual beings with origins far beyond Earth – whether from our galaxy, others, or even entirely different universes – have incarnated here, each carrying a star seed within their essence.


Humans are the result of the blending of different star seeds. That’s why we can say we carry within us the seed of all the stars. However, to truly know ourselves, it’s essential that we remember, harmonize, and reconnect with the original source of our soul.


As the great master Sri Ramana Maharshi said: “Knowing yourself is the greatest service you can offer the world.” So, as star seeds, the journey to remember, harmonize, and reconnect with our inner seed is crucial to understanding who we are. This process is more important than ever in these times of vibrational acceleration and planetary ascension, as cosmic and earthly forces call us to awaken.


☆ Does the term Semillita Estelar refer only to the soul group or galactic origin, or does it encompass something deeper?

The term Semillita Estelar comes from the New Age concept of starseeds, which typically refers to a person’s galactic origin or soul group.


However, here, Semillita Estelar goes far beyond just the soul’s origin or its galactic roots. This term embraces something much deeper: all the energies imprinted in the soul of a starseed. It’s a concept that encompasses all the information recorded in its essence, from the moment of its origin to the present day. This includes the soul group it belongs to, the energetic qualities of its place of origin, the primordial energy center that drives its manifestation, the teachings received between incarnations, and the actions from past and present lives that may have created, or not, certain energetic blockages or limitations.

☆ How did I become certified as an Akashic Records reader?

Well, as you might imagine, before becoming certified as an Akashic Records consultant and reader, I had my own Akashic Records reading done in the Soul Realignment modality by a trained professional. This happened in 2012.

I remember that the experience left such a positive impression on me that it sparked my desire to (re)learn how to read the Records. At that time, my goal was to use this knowledge for my own well-being and that of my family.


However, it wasn’t until 2014 that I became certified as an Akashic Records consultant and reader. I first got certified in the Linda Howe modality and later that same year in the Andrea Hess modality known as Soul Realignment.

What initially started as a tool for energetic alignment for myself and my family eventually expanded into a powerful instrument for helping others in their own healing and alignment journeys.

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☆ Did you have another practice before becoming an Akashic Records consultant and reader?

That’s right!


Let’s start with dentistry...


I was working as a pediatric dentist in New York City, but I put that practice on hold when my first child was born in 2011.


Between 2011 and 2013, I felt the need to reinvent myself. I knew my career path was changing, though I wasn't sure where it would lead me.


During my postgraduate studies in pediatric dentistry, I trained in all levels of Usui/Tibetan Reiki (up to the master/teacher level) and Ericksonian hypnosis (level 1). After becoming a mother, I took courses in aromatherapy and crystal healing. I had envisioned integrating these alternative therapies into my dental practice, but God had other plans for me and my family... and we embraced them.


In December 2013, we moved to Brazil, and by February 2014, we were joyfully expecting our second child!


While I enjoyed my pregnancy and cared for my eldest, I got certified in several energy healing therapies: Australian bush flower essences for children, SomaEnergetics sound therapy, and Akashic Records. I also opened an energy healing practice where I worked part-time.


Fast forward to 2018… we were expecting again, this time a baby girl! More joy for our family.

With her arrival, our love grew, our family expanded, and my role as a full-time mom deepened. So, I took another pause.


That pause, though it lasted longer than expected (thanks to the “pandemic of 19”), gave me more than I ever imagined. I had the chance to study Akashic Records further (with Anna Sayce’s modality), reconnect with my beloved QiGong practice, release old energies that no longer served me, and, most importantly, rediscover and reinvent myself.


And from that rediscovery and reinvention, Semillita Estelar was born.

What a blessing! ☺︎

Thank you for making it this far and for learning more about Semillita Estelar!

If you’d like more information or have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Sending you infinite blessings.

With love,

Cris ✨


"If you want to wake up all of humanity, wake up your whole being."


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